How Do You Engage Your Target Market Online?

Simple Answer: Blog.

Details Answer: It takes more than good writing or graphics to engage a target market. An article or blog post that’s excellently written yet lacks a compelling message or call to action will fail to have an impact on your audience. Some will read it, some may comment on it, some will share it, but your conversion rates and sales probably won’t increase as a result. Here’s how to fix that.

Know who your readers are

When your writing resonates with readers, they will be more likely to share it, to act upon it, and to answer your call to action. Monitor your traffic demographics, your social media stats, your blogging stats, and the comments you receive to discover who your readers are.

Only choose topics that interest your readers

You probably have noted down a couple of titles for future articles or posts. Ask yourself which of them most interests your readers. Some bloggers fall into the trap of writing for the search engines only – big mistake.

Use social media the right way

Don’t be deceived by the social media hype. Social sites are social and not commercial in intent. Use social media for branding, to build a brand culture, by taking your fans and followers behind the scenes and giving stuff away for free. Don’t try to use it for direct marketing.

Present your content in the right format

Blog posts tend to be more personal than articles because they give the impression that the writer speaks from their own personal experience. An e-book makes a report more momentous. A tweet or a Facebook update can spread a piece of news really fast. Use the right tools at the right time.

Use Infographics

Infographics tell a powerful visual story. When they are full of relevant facts and statistics they get shared. But infographics should be used only when you have enough facts to back them up. First the blog posts and reports, and only then the infographics should be considered.

How Do You Engage Your Target Market Online?
Article Name
How Do You Engage Your Target Market Online?
Simple Answer: Blog. Details Answer: It takes more than good writing or graphics to engage a target market. Here's what you need to target your ideal customer.