Measuring your One Page Website Success

With a one page website, there are only a few key metrics that you need to monitor to understand how successful your online marketing strategy is:

  • Unique Visitors
  • Conversion Rate
  • Traffic Sources
  • Cost per Acquisition

Unique Visitors

This is very simple really. It’s important to know how many unique visitors you are attracting so you can calculate your conversion rate. As a single page website there probably isn’t much reason for them to come back and revisit so you need them to respond immediately.

Conversion Rates

This is the percentage of people that respond to your call to action. Simply divide the number of responses with your unique visitors and you will get your conversion rate. If your call to action is to have them fill in a form or make a purchase this should be easy to track. It can be more difficult to track if you are asking them to phone you. If this is the case you should be asking new leads what prompted them to call you and make note of it.

Traffic Sources

It’s worthwhile looking at where your visitors came from. Did they click through PPC or was it via some other advertising method? You may need to make some educated guesses as to what prompted them to visit your website. For example if you saw a massive spike in visitors after a newspaper ad,  you could be confident that was the cause.

Maybe you are getting tons of traffic through social media, PPC, email or an offline campaign. Understanding where your traffic comes from will show you what marketing methods are most beneficial to your business. That way you can focus on what works best for you. Experience in online marketing will give you some clues so you are likely to produce better results sooner. If you don’t have much experience, ask someone who does.

Cost per Acquisition

If you track your conversion rate for each traffic source, and measure what you spend on the various campaigns you can calculate how much it costs your company to generate a new lead or sale.

PPC such as Google Adwords has features to make this easy and you can actually drill down to which keyword and which ad are the most profitable for your business. For other traffic sources it may be more difficult. For example, social media may be free in terms of dollars spent but its not free in terms of your time spent. If you put a dollar value on your time, you will be able to calculate the true cost per acquisition based on that figure.

What traffic sources have the best cost per acquisition in your business?

Can you scale this traffic sources up to a larger scale? Ideally you should maximise your most profitable traffic sources however they sometime have a cap. Once that traffic source is exhausted you need to look for your next best methods.

What traffic sources  have the worst cost  per acquisition?

Often times these are actually costing your business more than you expect. Eliminate all these methods of traffic generation and remember to calculate your hours spent in the cost per acquisition.

What traffic sources have you not yet tested that could potential work for your business?

For more tips and tricks, download your “One Page Website Checklist” This checklist will show you how to avoid the common big mistakes and increase your marketing performance online!


Measuring your One Page Website Success
Article Name
Measuring your One Page Website Success
The key metrics for your online marketing strategy are: Unique Visitors, Conversion Rate, Traffic Sources & Cost per Acquisition. Here's how to measure them!