6 Things to Consider When Hiring a Graphic Designer

Graphic design is generally required at some stage in every type of business. There would be very few businesses that survive without needing some form of graphic design; even if it’s just a business card or website. Whatever field of business you are in, graphic design can be a fantastic tool to help you grow in today’s fast paced environment. It can be a daunting task for start-up or small businesses that have not had experience working with the design industry in the past. The prices and quality seem to vary dramatically as do the sales people.
So what should be considered when hiring a graphic designer or graphic design firm? What qualities should be evident in a graphic designer? Doing your research first will put you in the best position to hire the best graphic designer.
Before hiring a graphic designer, consider this:
- Graphic designers have a broad way of charging. It is important you understand all costs that are involved in a project. You need to know if the graphic designer can produce the results you are looking for within the allocated budget. Ask how they charge for changes or ‘Authors Corrections’, this can be a real killer if you are not aware of the additional costs that could be building up.
- Always aim to commission the best graphic designer within your budget. If the graphic designer is not effective in the work they produce for you, it could be a huge expense to your business because you will probably need to start again (from scratch) down the track. You may spend a little more on an experienced designer; however, you can consider it an investment since the work they produced is more likely to be effective.
- Ensure the designer has good communication with you and your company. If there is poor communication, there will be wasted time, money and resources.
To get the best results from a graphic designer, it is necessary to build a strong working relationship with them. It will often help if there is one person designated to communicate with your graphic designer. This ensures a clear message is communicated without mixed messages. When everyone is trying to convey their own personal tastes and points of view to a graphic designer, it can become very confusing and in turn, an expensive drawn out process.
Qualities to look for in a graphic designer:
- First and foremost, to hire the best graphic designer for your business, make sure they are someone you can get along with and trust. Check their testimonials to get an idea of what they might be like to work with.
- Check their portfolio. You do not need to like every piece they have produced. Remember they have designed the projects in their portfolio to the client’s specifications however you should be confident they are capable of producing the kind of work you are looking for.
- The education of the graphic designer is another quality that should be assessed. Just because you like the designer and the work they have produced doesn’t mean they will be effective in producing the results you are looking for in your business. When studying graphic design, students develop an understanding of how design can be used as a communication tool, not just an artistic expression.