Advertising: Words That Sell

Good advertising communicates your business benefits to customers not necessarily the features. Features are all the bells and whistle your product or service has but the benefits are what it does for the customer. If you can get your prospects to experience the benefits before they even buy the product or service you will increase your sales conversion rate significantly. Once they see themselves benefit, they will make an emotional decision that says ‘I must have it’
When designing advertising that sells you must forget your product or service for a minute and focus on the consumer. There are certain colours, shapes and fonts and subconsciously will reinforce your advertising message. Our Psychographic Profile will point you in the right direction where this is concerned.
Understanding how the consumers will benefit from your product or service will enable you to create a powerful headline for your advertising. The title is the most important element of your ad. Your title should be designed to encapsulate the strongest benefits in order to give you a competitive advantage.
Remember, people will not take too much time reading your ad so any other text should be short and sharp. Getting to the point. Bullet points may be the best solution when you have a lot to say since most consumers will only skim over your content. Bullet point will enable the consumer to absorb more of your information. For this reason, limit your ad to the benefits and concise details of what you propose, without rambling on and on.