Are Apps the Next Website?

There’s a school of thought floating around that suggests App’s are the “new” websites. Some are suggesting all small businesses will one day have an App of their own, just like it has become the norm for every small business to have a website. I disagree for a number of reasons. Read on…
I recently read an article in The Huffington Post covering this topic titled, Why Mobile Apps Are the Next Website written by Matthew Tyson. While I agree with Matthews take on the subject in some ways, I have a different opinion in many other ways.
Here’s why…
Most small business websites are for marketing purposes, they are simply there to promote a business. The target market needs to be able to get the intended message fast. Expecting prospects to download an App, complicates and slows the process down – if you ask any Marketer, that’s a big no-no. Just because almost everyone has a ‘smart phone’ these days, does not mean they all want to download an endless amount of Apps. Imagine if every company you dealt with expected you to download an App. Why should we, when the information we are looking for could easily be delivered via a mobile-friendly website. Prospects could be just researching and don’t know you from a bar of soap. Why make them commit to downloading your App when your message could be easily delivered by a website.
As marketers, we should never complicate the communication process. Unless there is a good reason for your market to download your App, why would they bother?
While we are seeing an increase in mobile Apps being downloaded and it’s becoming second nature to use them, we are also seeing Software as a Service (SaaS) increasing fast. The rationale behind SaSS and it’s benefits is the complete antithesis of what many are saying about Apps.
SaaSS is run through your internet browser with no requirement to download software (or Apps) to your computer. The advantage of working through a browser that everyone can use, without the complication of downloading and installing software (or Apps) is a strong advantage to traditional software business models. It’s simple, easy and makes good business sense!
Please hear me, I’m not anti-Apps. I’m simply saying their needs to be a strong and compelling reason to use one. If a mobile-friendly website can delivery the same message and functionality, I believe it to be a smarter option.
App’s can be great for non-marketing related uses or for specific functionality. Businesses can use them for internal communications and team management as Matthew covered well in his article. I agree! I just don’t think we can compare Apps with websites since they serve a very different purpose.
Bright Shiny Objects
They say that life in the good old days used to be simpler – and certainly in the world of marketing this can be true. Digital marketing in particular is growing so fast it can be hard to keep up with all the new technologies, and we can start to chase bright shiny objects, which Apps can be.
There will always be new tools and techniques that attract our attention as small business owners and entrepreneurs. In most cases the tools and techniques have their place but they may not be suitable for your particular business in the way in which they are pitched to you.
So you still think an App is for you?
Congratulations! If you’ve read this article this far and still think an App could serve your business well, that’s great. You’ve probably considered the options wisely, reviewed the benefits and have an idea for an App that will be worthwhile to your market. So what do you do next? For starters, treat it like any other business strategy. Forget about the technology for a moment and think about the objectives of your App. How will it benefit your business? How will it benefit those that download it?
Stand back and see the big picture. What do you want to achieve? From this standpoint you’ll be able to focus on the business objectives and be less likely to chase bright shiny objects. What problems are you trying to solve through your App that a website couldn’t do?
In this day-and-age nearly every business needs a website and I don’t see that ever changing. When people go online with a specific need for a product or service, they jump on a browser and search online. No social media platform or App can compete in this arena. Shaw, every tool has its place and can be beneficial, they just can’t overthrow the power of websites.
Whatever digital marketing strategies you use, it’s all about understanding your audience and how you can serve them better. Start at this point, and it will become clear if an App is a good fit for your business.
I’d love to get your feedback in the comments below.