There are now a large number of very successful website entrepreneurs around the world. Some have literally made a fortune from their web design and development ideas. Here is a quick round up of the top 20 most successful website entrepreneurs of the last few years.(more…)
For an entrepreneur creativity is a characteristic you need to have plenty of. I have found the biggest killer of creativity is a lack of confidence. Without confidence as a entrepreneur you will really lose your mojo.(more…)
Not everyone is ready to be an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs are often born but can also be made with the right training and support. Are you ready?(more…)
There are many lessons we can all learn from con-artists, none more than the Entrepreneur. They foresee potential problems and create solutions ahead of time to overcome obstacles. They are resilient and think on their feet when the unexpected occurs. They do not allow themselves to be bogged down by the status-quo and are always looking for the next big idea.(more…)
Every day hundreds of people decide to work from home and make a living online. They wish to set up a website and turn it into an internet venture that continues to grow and thrive. At the same time, off line business owners want to explore and capitalize on online opportunities as they realize that the segment of the market that shops online constantly increases.(more…)
Individuals who become life coaches usually do so because they love helping people. They love reaching out to people so personal goals can be established and achieved for a better life. The problem is not all life coaches have a business background and are able to build a profitable, sustainable business. They are not able to market themselves successfully. This resource has been developed specifically to address this need.(more…)