Cinema Advertising is a cost effective way of marketing to a local community since it is not 'broadcast' like television. One of Cinema Advertising's most appealing characteristics is how it holds a captive audience. While the audience may be a small scale it is perfect for local businesses such as restaurants, cafes and entertainment complexes. Imagine a group of people specifically out to have a good time and looking for something to do after the movie. Maybe they are interested in going out for dinner, maybe for a drink, maybe ten pin bowling. Maybe they are on holidays and are looking for a range of things to do.(more…)
It is a well know fact that Australia is an aging population. Fortunately, the Australian population has not yet reached the age profiles like Japan or Germany however it does give us some insight into where we are headed as a nation. In twenty years time, a dramatic change is expected; the ratio of elderly to those of working age will double. The changing demographic profile of Australia means the way in which we promote our businesses should change. There is likely to be many changes and opportunities for businesses to adapt to the new emerging markets.(more…)
Good advertising communicates your business benefits to customers not necessarily the features. Features are all the bells and whistle your product or service has but the benefits are what it does for the customer. If you can get your prospects to experience the benefits before they even buy the product or service you will increase your sales conversion rate significantly. Once they see themselves benefit, they will make an emotional decision that says 'I must have it'(more…)
There are many reasons why most businesses today have some form of marketing brochure produced. For many businesses their brochures are an integral part of their business growth. With any marketing initiative, having the right strategy for your material will increase your chances in getting a good result. Using repetition throughout all your marketing material is often the key. Communicating a consistent message on your website, brochures, catalogue, business card and any other communication tool you produce is important however their should be a slightly different angle for each piece depending on its intended purpose.(more…)
In this day and age we often don’t know the person next door but are part of communities of common interest. The World Wide Web drives these communities we see popping up everywhere. So how do we reach our local community online? Many businesses for various reasons are limited to service only a local community, not international or even national customers. Does this mean promoting via the web is futile? Absolutely not, in fact, if you have the right strategy you can use it to your advantage.(more…)
CRM's (Customer Relationship Managers) are a hot topic in business today, and the market for "CRM solutions" is rife with confusing jargon and large claims. This article explains what a CRM can do for your marketing, and provides some suggestions on how you should approach structuring your marketing so the CRM is most useful. By implementing a CRM in your business it should become an investment that produces a profit for your business however, making the transition to the new system is often where businesses fall down.(more…)
Print based marketing material is a mature industry while new online marketing strategies such as blogs are still in their infancy. For this reason, we cannot be certain what the long-term results of the new media will be. Many are investing countless hours on social media sites and blogs. While in these early stages of online media signs are promising that online media is only going to get bigger and better however, only time will tell the long-term success of these strategies.(more…)