Many entrepreneurs use email marketing techniques that prove to be effective only for a short time, after which the conversion rates slump. This happens in fact with quite a lot of ‘recommended’ email marketing strategies on the web. By contrast, the following strategies aim to achieve more consistent, profit generating results, over the long
Social media marketing may be the buzz word in online marketing these days. Does this mean email marketing is a thing of the past? Do we need to adapt and re-think the way we use email marketing as businesses?(more…)
Building relationships with clients and prospects is what makes any life coaching business. Having a great website is an important step towards your business success. The next step is to make the most out of the web visitors you are getting. There is no better way of doing this than sending out email newsletters. People visiting your website, who are interested in the information you are providing them, will often like to find out more.(more…)
Email marketing is a fantastic way of reaching the masses quickly and cost effectively. The trouble is, response rates have decrease over the years due to the overwhelming number of email marketing messages we all receive on a daily basis.(more…)
There’s still a large proportion of entrepreneurs online that have yet to tap into the power of email marketing and list building. One of the reasons why many are resistant to email marketing is the spammer tactics many email marketers implement.(more…)
Email marketing is alive and kicking. But it has changed much over the past few years, since Twitter and Facebook have taken over the world of online marketing. In this post you will learn how to use email marketing effectively now, to increase conversions and ultimately boost your sales.
Email marketing is one of the oldest web marketing tools, so it’s no surprise that there are so many myths about it online. Many of these myths are innocent and harmless, but some are not, and if you act on them, they can damage your email marketing campaigns. Here are five dangerous email marketing myths.(more…)
Thanking people for subscribing to your newsletters, whether through a thank you page on your website or a thank you email, is an effective way to strengthen your relationship. It’s also a massive opportunity to subtly market to them your products or services. Here are the two of the biggest benefits thank you pages/emails have to offer.(more…)
The most effective way to grow your email marketing list is to constantly provide your readers with useful content, via your website and your newsletter. Do that and email subscribers, as well as followers and customers, will be drawn to you like a magnet.(more…)
Planning to run an eNewsletter? Have you already planned your goals and objectives for the coming year? Have you considered how your eNewsletter ties in with your overall marketing plan?(more…)
One of the most important aspects of customer relationships is keeping in touch. And you have probably heard that you need to build a list to do this.(more…)
In the personal training industry, people are often just not ready to buy. For this reason, you need a marketing strategy to stay in touch with prospects. We have already touched on eNewsletters. They are really the ultimate follow-up strategy, particularly when you have a large list of subscribers. There are other follow up strategies you should consider particularly when you are starting out with very few contacts and can afford to invest more time into attracting new clients.(more…)