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Category Archives: Anti-Mainstream SEO
We are “anti-mainstream SEO”. We believe in building high quality websites with high quality content that attracts the attention of search engines, but more importantly, humans!
When you are looking to buy something and you are not sure where to go, what do you do? Google it! Being positioned near the top of search results means you are positioned in front of a hungry crowd, ready to buy. That’s the goal for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and unfortunately it’s an industry filled with myths and old information.(more…)
One of the most effective ways to increase your traffic and improve your conversion rates is to make your website more attractive. Search engines are getting smarter and smarter. They know if visitors are not spending much time on your website and that plays a part in how well they rank you in the search results. Your website design plays a huge part in attracting or repelling visitors so that's why it's now something you need to consider from an SEO standpoint.(more…)
“Hold on, I’ll Google it…” Admit it, you Google. It’s nothing to be ashamed of — everybody does it. That little phrase, “Google it!” was unheard of not so long ago and today it echoes around offices, classrooms and homes all over the world. It’s testament to the way the internet has established itself as an integral part of our daily lives.(more…)
Most business people who have a website want more traffic. They want more products or services to be sold and more brand exposure. It is imperative that you not only generate traffic but high quality website traffic that is interested in your product or service. This kind of traffic is what will make your business flourish. Here are some marketing methods that could increase website traffic that you may not have considered.(more…)
The indexing of your website is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimisation (SEO). Before trying to grasp how indexing works, you should have a firm understanding of what SEO is and is not. In a nutshell, if you are creating a process to generate traffic to your website from search engines, then you are doing SEO. To be more effective, there are three key aspects of SEO you should understand.(more…)
There is a lot being said about Search Engine Optimisation these days. There are many strategies and tips out there that simply confuse most business owners. There are many SEO specialists out there claiming quick and effective results, often not telling you exactly what they are doing. You must be extremely careful who you use for your Search Engine Optimisation and the strategies they use.(more…)
It is good to have a strong marketing plan that will boost your rankings in search engines as quickly as possible. However, you should avoid underhanded schemes that may get you banned by search engines such as Google.(more…)
Using SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) on your website to perform well is a hot topic in business today. In order to optimise your website for search engines you must think like a search engine. Search Engines rely on providing a great service to users. They want users to find what they are looking for, valuable, useful content and resources.(more…)
Out there in the Search Engine Optimisation world, there's been a lot of talk about "RankBrain". It's putting dodgy, blackhat SEO companies into a tail-spin. It's becoming evident that their deceptive strategies that are designed to trick Search Engines into ranking a website higher will be far less effective.(more…)
The web is a big place, and it’s easy to get lost. You need to make sure your voice can be heard above the clamour of businesses jostling for buyers’ attention and loyalties. An impressive web site is useless in the absence of an accompanying marketing strategy, because when you get down to it, your web site is there to generate business. Your return on investment is the key.(more…)
We don’t really ‘search’ these days do we? We ‘Google’. The business name of the world’s premier search engine has turned into a verb, and how’s that for brand personality and recognition?(more…)
The SEO magic bullet is this: fresh, original, relevant, high-quality content written primarily for people and not search engines. If you have that on your website, you have nothing to worry about. No Google algorithm changes will ever have a negative impact on your search engine ranking.(more…)
How can you turbocharge your marketing to get more impact without having to put in extra effort? By making more promises, by building new hopes, by introducing new mission statements? No. By clarifying and simplifying your existing campaign.(more…)
Optimising images for search engines is not something that all webmasters do. The common practise is just to add the image to the content without any regard to its title, size, or tags. Convenient as that may be, it’s not recommended. As any SEO-conscious online marketing or advertising expert will tell you, images can generate a lot of traffic. In this tutorial you’ll learn how you can optimise your images in three simple steps.(more…)
Well that’s if you have been playing games with search engines (which we don’t).If you are involved in ‘black hat’ SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) STOP NOW and read this article so you can minimise the damage done. Google has created a new version of Penguin and it’s putting a lot of shifty SEO companies and webmasters into a mad panic. The last Penguin update back in April, changed search results significantly for a lot of website.(more…)