Is Adam Goodes Good for David Jones?

It’s been almost a month now since the announcement of Adam Goodes as “brand ambassador” for David Jones. Now that the dust has settled and the initial noise by the “booers” is over, has it been a good move for David Jones?
I believe the answer is a resounding Yes! I’m interested to hear your thoughts in the comments below but please keep them respectful. If you’ve read my book “The Simple Manifesto” you’ll know that I believe in creating a strong standpoint in business, despite the haters. I go as far as saying you should be a nonconformist in your industry. Adam Goodes is certainly a nonconformist and now DJs are by association. While I was focussing mostly on small businesses in the book, it’s great to see a large business like David Jones leading the way in Australia.
There have been haters on Facebook saying they will never shop at David Jones again because of the decision to have Goodes as a brand ambassador. While these extreme views may be shared by a vocal minority, the bulk of the “booers” have moved on and won’t stop shopping at DJs. Better yet for DJs, despite the reason some booed and others didn’t, DJs have gained increased awareness as a result of the controversial decision. In the process, they have become more engaging and relevant in the marketplace. I’m in favour of the fashion industry moving away from selecting brand ambassadors seemingly on looks alone. It’s great to see a leading retail outlet looking for depth of character and a scene of purpose.
Let’s look at what we can learn as small business owner and entrepreneurs from the David Jones, Adam Goodes scenario.
What Does Your Business Stand For?
These days, where competition is fierce, having a business with a generic mission statement wont cut it. You need a strong and compelling standpoint. Some will love you for it and others may hate you, and that is fine. You must ensure your standpoint is congruent with everything you do as a business. What you deliver must match or exceed your customers expectations based on your standpoint. To establish your business firmly in the market, it helps a have a single-minded focus and purpose.
Here are a few aspects of your business that you should consider when it comes to creating your unique standpoint:
You should communicate a consistent message as a business every time. Your customers and prospects should be able to rely on getting the same experience from your business always. You must be consistent and committed to providing an experience that is congruent with your standpoint. David Jones should follow the theme when selecting there next brand ambassador so a consistent message is communicated.
If you want to achieve business success, then make sure your standpoint is communicated in such a way that it attracts the right kind of customers. Build relationships with your ideal customers so your reputation is strengthened and don’t be distracted by the haters. From time to time, things may not go according to plan, so make sure you have some credit in the emotional bank account – it’s your reputation at stake.
Your business should be meaningful and relevant for your target market. Ignore the opinions of everyone else. Only your target market matters. In fact if other people don’t ‘get it’, its’ probably hitting the mark. I believe David Jones are in this camp.
The ultimate gauge of your nonconformist standpoint is the loyalty that you create with your target market. If you have a strong relationship with your customers, they will be more likely to continue purchasing from you, even if your prices are slightly higher than your competitors. In David Jones case, there are a number of people who passionately support and defend Adam Goodes. These people will now feel a sense of loyalty to David Jones also.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, build strong relationships. Your business will not survive on having a good product or service alone, you need to build relationship with your customers. The bond linking your customers and you is the strength of your business. You will know you have a powerful standpoint when it stands firm despite challenges that every business experiences from time to time. You will be challenged as a business if you are successful. In tough times that’s when you know the true value of a nonconformist standpoint.