How to Get the Best Letterhead Design in Melbourne

If you want to create a successful business, often it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Your letterhead design is one of those little things that can make a huge impact on your bottom-line. Letterhead design and printing is a simple process right? You just whack your logo and contact details on the page and get the cheapest printer to produce a batch? Lets think about it, what will you be using your letterhead for?:

  • Sales letters
  • Proposal cover letters
  • Accounts related letters
  • Letters of demand
  • Legal letters
  • Agreement letters
  • Announcement letters

How important is it that you appear like a professional organisation with these letters?

What would it mean to your business if having a professionally designed and printed letterhead improve your response rate by just 10%?

Even if you needed to pay a hundred dollars more (not saying you will need to) for a professional looking letterhead would it be worth your investment?

It’s these simple questions we often overlook.

There are tips you should be aware of so you can have a letterhead that does not only look exceptional, but is also effective. While you or your staff could design your own letterhead, I’m sure after reading the above questions you will understand it is better to use a professional graphic designer.

The Basics of Letterhead Design

If you want to have the best letterhead design in Melbourne (or wherever you are located) it does not need to be complicated. Hopefully you have taken the time and made the investment to get your business logo designed professionalyl. If so you should make your design clear and simple so the eye is draw to the logo design. This will immediately reinforce your brand to the reader of your letter. When you have a clean and simple letterhead design, it tends to look more professional, it tends to be small businesses that overdo their letterhead designs.

Pertinent Information on Letterhead Design

Aside from your logo, your letterhead design should contain other pertinent information about your business such as your address, phone, email and if you are in Melbourne, Australia, your ABN or ACN. Your company’s website should always be incorporated in your letterhead design. The first thing many people do these days is ‘check you out’ online. If you don’t give them your website address, they might look for you on a search engine and potentially find your competitors in the process.

If you need a professional letterhead designed and printed in Melbourne, contact Omnific Design today.

How to Get the Best Letterhead Design in Melbourne
Article Name
How to Get the Best Letterhead Design in Melbourne
If you want to create a successful business, often it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Your letterhead design is one of those little things

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