Sales Supercharge Strategies for Entrepreneurs

As an Entrepreneur or small business owner, you are probably busy with managing your day-to-day operations. Having a hard time finding the hours in the day to focus on marketing your business? You are not alone.
You do not need a huge budget to supercharge your sales and marketing efforts. You don’t need hours and hours to get it done either. There are simple and straightforward strategies you can implement in your business today to get results. It’s just a matter of testing and measuring to see what works best for you and scaling it up once you have your strategies in place.
Here are two of the most effective tools you can use in marketing your business to supercharge your success:
Market Research for Entrepreneurs
Most of us want to increase sales, right? I find many small business owners on the verge of giving up on marketing because it hasn’t worked for them in the past.
When we look a little closer it’s often because the research from a marketing perspective wasn’t done first. Entrepreneurs are creative people who see opportunities for new products and services and recognise the customers needs. This way of thinking needs to be used in the sales and marketing process also. Define your ideal customer and laser focus your marketing efforts to attract them.
You could pay professionals to do a short survey to better understand your market or do it yourself by profiling your best handful of customers and finding common characteristics.
There are also online tools that may help you come up with some questions to gather useful information. You could conduct your research via an online questionnaire or over the phone. This research should be the foundation for all marketing efforts moving forward.
Website Strategy for Entrepreneurs
Regardless of whether your business is based online or offline, one of the best marketing vehicles most businesses can capitalise on is a website. More and more people are depending on the internet to find products or services or to research there options. As an entrepreneur you need to be where the action is. The good news is it doesn’t need to cost the earth to get online.
There are three essential factors to having a website that converts visitors into sales
- Powerful website design
- Compelling content and Call to Action
- Targeted traffic (Lots and lots of targeted traffic)
If you miss one of these three components your online success will suffer. For example if you are generating lots of traffic but none of it converts into sales either the content or design are probably letting you down.
Focus your website on your target market. Its design should be uncomplicated and its navigation system easy to use. As an Entrepreneur, your website must either sell your products or services or create leads. For a website geared towards lead generation, you may have an opt-in subscription form for eNewsletters.
Likewise if you have a killer website but nobody is finding it, of course you need to start working on your Search Engine Optimisation to get more traffic.
Hope these tips help.
Let me know what you think is important for an Entrepreneurs marketing strategy.