The Online Sales Formula

To have an immediate impact on your visitors your website must reflect who you are and what you do. Most of all it must present a compelling reason why they should do business with you.
For your website to represent your business and call visitors to action you need to:
- Use professional web design to represent your brand well.
- Use search engine optimisation to get as many prospects eyeballs on your website.
- Have a compelling reason why your ideal customers should buy from you.
Search Engine Optimisation
SEO has come a long way in the last few years. Sprinkling keywords throughout your web content is no longer enough to achieve a high ranking in search engines. While using the right keywords remains crucial for focusing on specific areas and drawing in interested visitors, the quality of the writing itself is far more important. Headlines, in particular, need to be engaging: they need to feature keywords and compel visitors to keep reading.
Web Design and Development
Similarly, website design needs to be top-notch to make your website stand out. The overall look and feel of your website is important, and so are the web design details. The latter are often what it takes to get an edge over the competition. Compelling headlines, an adjustable font size button, well-chosen image ALT tags, appropriate captions, and easily found contact details can all improve your website dramatically.
The Often Missed Ingredient
Today SEO and web development are intricately linked. Neither of them on their own can guarantee success. But when combined, they can bring your website a significant boost not only in visitors, but, more importantly, in visitors who actually want to buy whatever you have to offer. Most web developers understand this however the often overlooked ingredient is the call to action and the compelling reason to buy from you instead of the competition.
Why Professional Services Are Worth Every Penny
All in all, including all the ingredients to your website can make the difference between a good website and a great one. For this reason, I strongly suggest that you use professional services. (Of course I do, that’s what we specialise in.) While you can handle yourself basic SEO and web design work, there is a limit to how much you can do on your own. When the website grows, for example, it becomes far more effective to use professional services.
If you need professional SEO or web design Melbourne based services, don’t hesitate to contact us.